• Matrimonio Cattolico protestante

Protestant Ceremony

Weddings with a Protestant rite in Italy can be celebrated by the Pastor and will have both religious value and legal effects.

The Protestant ceremony can be celebrated not only in the church but also in different places such as villas, gardens, hotels.During the ceremony the Pastor will welcome the guests and then proceed with the reading of some passages taken from the holy scriptures. After, bride and groom will do a declaration of will to the wedding, then the exchange of their promises and of the wedding rings followed by the final blessing. Wedding between people of different faiths is considered possible by the Protestant church as long as they hold the sacrament of Baptism as proof of belonging to the Protestant Church. Some documents are required by the Italian law to have also legal value and they have to be presented to the Pastor so that the day of the wedding he can act as an officer of civil status.

Thanks to our decades of experience with couples of various nationalities, we are able to organize your wedding with a Protestant rite in many places in Italy.